Graphic Design Associate Degree Program Near Hagerstown, MD is a complimentary service for finding colleges, career schools, and online degree programs.
Please select from the Graphic Design and Art Schools near Hagerstown, MD below to request complimentary information.
Associate Degree Programs: General Info
Associate programs are two year degree programs devoted to a particular area of learning. Associate programs are often pursued by those wishing to enter into a certain career field but who do want to take the four years needed for a bachelor's degree. For example, those interested in law but not wanting to enroll in a graduate program to become a lawyer can earn an associate's degree. They then can become paralegals, legal assistants or office managers. An associate's degree can be earned by those who don't yet know what they want to do and often covers general studies which can transfer into a higher degree later.
Selected Search Criteria:
- Art, Design, and Performing Arts
- --> Art and Design
- --> Graphic Design and Art
- Degree Type: Undergrad
- State: MD
- Zip Code: 21740
- Radius: 100 miles
Your Search Returned 10 Popular Schools:
Ferris State University
Areas of study you may find at Ferris State University include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Commercial and Advertising Design
- Graphic Design and Art
- Industrial Design
- Visual Communications Design
- Film, Video, and Photography
- Fine Art and Studio Art
- Music
Degree Levels:
Courses- Certificates and Certifications
- Coursework
- First-Professional Degree
- Masters
- Post-Bachelor Degree Certificate
- Associates
- Bachelors
Dunwoody College of Technology
Areas of study you may find at Dunwoody College of Technology include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Graphic Design and Art
- Interior Design
Degree Levels:
Courses- Certificates and Certifications
- Coursework
- Associates
- Bachelors
Oklahoma State University
Areas of study you may find at Oklahoma State University include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Graphic Design and Art
- Film, Video, and Photography
- Fine Art and Studio Art
Degree Levels:
Undergrad- Associates
- Bachelors
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Areas of study you may find at Milwaukee Area Technical College include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Advertising Photography
- Commercial and Advertising Design
- Graphic Design and Art
- Interior Design
- Music
Degree Levels:
Courses- Certificates and Certifications
- Coursework
- Associates
Waukesha County Technical College
Waukesha County Technical College
Areas of study you may find at Waukesha County Technical College include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Graphic Design and Art
- Interior Design
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
Waubonsee Community College
Waubonsee Community College
Areas of study you may find at Waubonsee Community College include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Advertising Photography
- Graphic Design and Art
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
Walla Walla University
Walla Walla University
Areas of study you may find at Walla Walla University include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Graphic Design and Art
- Industrial Design
- Fine Art and Studio Art
- Music
Degree Levels:
Courses Graduate- Masters
- Associates
- Bachelors
Virginia Intermont College
Virginia Intermont College
Areas of study you may find at Virginia Intermont College include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Graphic Design and Art
- Drama and Theatre
- Film, Video, and Photography
- Fine Art and Studio Art
Degree Levels:
Courses Graduate Undergrad- Associates
- Bachelors
Tyler Junior College
Tyler Junior College
Areas of study you may find at Tyler Junior College include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Advertising Photography
- Graphic Design and Art
- Dance
- Drama and Theatre
- Fine Art and Studio Art
- Music
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy
Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy
Areas of study you may find at Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy include:
Art, Design, and Performing Arts- Art and Design
- Graphic Design and Art
- Visual Communications Design
Degree Levels:
Courses Graduate Undergrad- Associates
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