Banking, Corporate, and Securities Law Undergrad in Georgia |

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Financial, Banking and Securities Law Degrees: General Info

After completing pre-law and general law degree studies, students may choose to focus on the niche area of Financial, Banking and Securities Law. This advanced study will provide you with instruction in the processes, practices and laws related to financial and banking laws. Courses will cover corporate law, trusts, securities regulations, partnerships, incorporation and other topics related to the regulation of businesses and financial services. Negotiation and communication skills, financial training, and current software usage is also covered in a Financial, Banking and Securities Law program.

Undergraduate Degrees: General Info

An undergraduate degree is an academic degree that is awarded to students who complete a higher learning program at a college or university. In the United States, the most common type of undergraduate degree is a baccalaureate or bachelor's degree. However, undergraduate students can also obtain a lesser degree, which is known as an associate's degree. The amount of time it takes to earn an undergraduate degree depends on the program and the school, but most students can obtain a bachelor's in three to four years and an associate's degree in one to two years.

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Georgia Banking, Corporate, and Securities Law Schools