Medical Insurance and Billing Specialist in 49440 |

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Medical Billing Related Degrees: General Info

Medical billing professionals work with patients, doctors, insurance companies and health care administrators to provide billing and financial solutions. Medical billing is often a complicated and challenging process to navigate successfully. Medical billing professionals can be trained in an associate's degree program or in a non-degree career certification program. In these programs, students can expect to study mathematics, economics, finance, health care management, anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, health care legislation, privacy and ethics and common billing methods and techniques. Students will also become familiar with common computer software programs common in the industry. Graduates of these programs will be able to pursue careers in the billing departments of large hospitals, insurance companies and other health care facilities. Salaries for medical billing specialists is around $30,000 a year, according to

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Medical Insurance and Billing Specialist Schools near Meskegon, MI