Health Care MGMT. and Administration Bachelors in 48501 |

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Medical and Clinical Management Positions: General Info

Medical and clinical management professionals often start their careers as technicians or nurses. These often require career certification in the form of professional licensure in addition to an associate's or bachelor's degree in the chosen discipline. Additional management training may be required in the form of a bachelor's or master's degree in business, management or a similar field. Medical and clinical managers must balance the needs of their patients and staff with the financial and economical needs of their clinic or laboratory. They must coordinate with financial officers, act as a liaison with hospital executives, maintain a positive working environment and above all ensure that patients receive top notch medical care. The challenges of running a medical clinic can be immense, but these positions can also be very rewarding as it is easy to see the direct impact that you have in your employees' and patients' lives. Most medical clinical managers earn around $70,000 a year, according to Salary.Com,, depending on experience, job duties, regional factors and other influences.

Bachelor Degrees: General Info

If you are looking towards a serious career, whether it be in psychology or business management,a bachelor's degree is a must. It provides four years of training in your chosen field teaching you the needed skills to advance in the work force. Most bachelor degree programs cover basics such as English, literature and math along with plenty of degree-specific classes. Associate's degree credits can be applied towards a bachelor's degree although when transferring from one school to another not all credits will be accepted. A bachelor's degree is also a prerequisite for any graduate program students wish to undertake.

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Health Care Mgmt. and Administration Schools near Flint, MI