Medical Insurance Coding and Billing in 33823 |

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Medical Coding and Billing Specialist Degrees: General Info

Medical coding and billing specialists assign specialized, health care industry standard abbreviations, also known as codes, to a patients' procedures, illnesses and other health care related expenses. These codes simplify the process of billing a patient, receiving payment from an insurance company or reimbursement from a government agency or program like Medicare, Medicaid or the Veteran's Administration. A medical coder must complete a career training and certification program. In these programs, students study computer technology, medical terminology, human anatomy and other subjects that will help them in their careers. The bulk of the degree program is made up on learning the huge number of codes used in the industry. This process can be time consuming and requires an excellent memory. Graduates of these programs may find positions with hospitals, doctor's offices, insurance companies and government agencies. According to the American Academy of Professional Coders, medical coders earn around $37,000 a year, with slight regional variations.

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Medical Insurance Coding and Billing Schools near Auburndale, FL