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Financial Accounting Degrees: General Info

Financial accountants prepare financial statements and paperwork for executives and managerial professionals. They may provide analysis of costs and revenues, profit statements, investment portfolios, taxes, payroll or other financial matters. Executives and other high-level professionals rely on these reports to make informed decisions regarding the future of their organization. Financial accounting professionals usually hold at least a bachelor's degree in finance or a related field. However, many continue their education to earn an MBA, Master of Business Administration, degree with an emphasis in finance. MBA programs teach students the latest business, financial and managerial strategies and help them to stay at the top of their chosen field.

Graduate Degrees: General Information

A graduate degree is an advanced academic degree awarded by universities and graduate schools. The most common graduate degrees are master's degrees and doctoral degrees. A master's degree program typically takes one to two years to complete and serves as preparation for employment of doctoral studies. A doctoral degree program, which is the highest level of graduate study, can take up to five years to complete.

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