Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations Bachelors in 96801 |

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Not For Profit Organizational Management: General Info

Government agencies, charitable organizations, and other not for profit groups require managers with a special skill set. Managing a public or not for profit organization requires different abilities than managing a traditional for profit business. Nonprofit group managers must be well versed in finance, taxation laws, public policy, fundraising and psychology, in addition to traditional managerial, communications and leadership skills. Not for profit groups require donations, grants, subsidies and other sources of funds to continue operations. Managers should be prepared to take an active role in this process, either through fundraising, networking or lobbying for their cause. Not for profit careers require passion and dedication, but can be extremely rewarding.

Bachelor Degrees: General Info

If you are looking towards a serious career, whether it be in psychology or business management,a bachelor's degree is a must. It provides four years of training in your chosen field teaching you the needed skills to advance in the work force. Most bachelor degree programs cover basics such as English, literature and math along with plenty of degree-specific classes. Associate's degree credits can be applied towards a bachelor's degree although when transferring from one school to another not all credits will be accepted. A bachelor's degree is also a prerequisite for any graduate program students wish to undertake.

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Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations Schools near HON, HI