Information and Computer Systems Security Undergrad in 37901 |

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Computer Systems Security: General Information

In the digital world, cyber-criminals, hackers, identity thieves and other digital ne'er-do-wells are lurking about, aiming to break into computer systems and steal the valuable information they need to commit their crimes. Computer systems security professionals provide companies, governments and even private citizens with the technology and expertise needed to protect themselves. Services provided can range from simple password protection to advanced cryptography and hardware solutions. Clients recognize the need to protect their information and skilled computer systems security professionals are in great demand.

Undergraduate Degrees: General Info

An undergraduate degree is an academic degree that is awarded to students who complete a higher learning program at a college or university. In the United States, the most common type of undergraduate degree is a baccalaureate or bachelor's degree. However, undergraduate students can also obtain a lesser degree, which is known as an associate's degree. The amount of time it takes to earn an undergraduate degree depends on the program and the school, but most students can obtain a bachelor's in three to four years and an associate's degree in one to two years.

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Information and Computer Systems Security Schools near Knox, TN