Corrections, Criminal Justice, and Law Enforcement |

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Career Paths with a Criminal Justice Degree

Graduates with a degree in criminal justice can find employment as security guards, correctional facility guards or administrators, forensic lab assistants or forensic psychologists. Job options exist in the areas of criminal investigation, juvenile corrections, park and natural resources protective services or providing protective services to individuals or businesses. Wages will vary with the position. Criminal investigators earn more, over $60,000 annually, than body guards, which earn approximately $18,000 annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Career Options

Students who earn a degree in the criminal justice and law enforcement field of study may be qualified to enter the following career fields: law enforcement management, juvenile corrections, parole officer, forensics, police management, patrol officer, juvenile justice counselor, criminal justice technology, forensic technology, and highway patrol.

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Corrections, Criminal Justice, and Law Enforcement Schools