Accounting Undergrad in 00922 |

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Accounting Degrees: General Info

Accounting deals with the examination and assessment of financial information. This involves recording and keeping track of the flow of finances and capital in and out of an organization that happens when financial operations such as sales, transfers and other transactions occur. Accounting has many sub-specialties, fields such as auditing, bookkeeping, fund accounting and management accounting. Accounting is also a useful tool for obtaining the necessary information to provide financial consulting, budgetary analysis and other services that have to do with the flow of finances and capital. The practice of accounting is often subject to laws and regulations specific to a particular country, state or field of business.

Accounting Related Careers

Students with a degree or formal education in the accounting field of study may be qualified to enter the following career fields: cpa, internal auditor, accounts payable professional, forensic accounting, administrative accountant, accounting supervisor, corporate controller, corporate accountant, medical claims auditor, corporate auditor, and payroll manager.

Undergraduate Degrees: General Info

An undergraduate degree is an academic degree that is awarded to students who complete a higher learning program at a college or university. In the United States, the most common type of undergraduate degree is a baccalaureate or bachelor's degree. However, undergraduate students can also obtain a lesser degree, which is known as an associate's degree. The amount of time it takes to earn an undergraduate degree depends on the program and the school, but most students can obtain a bachelor's in three to four years and an associate's degree in one to two years.

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