Business Operations Management Undergrad in 92401 |

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Operations Management Degrees: General Info

Business operations and management professionals provide companies and businesses with an insight into efficiency and effectiveness. They are able to identify problems and improve communications, teamwork and other areas where improvement can be made into a company's business plan. Careers are available to those with a variety of educational backgrounds, from associate's and bachelor's degrees to advanced graduate degrees, such as an MBA. The most important key to success in this field is the ability to institute change and promote increased efficiency within an organization.

Business Operations Management Careers

Those who earn a degree in the business operations field of study may be qualified to enter the following career fields: purchasing management, sales account manager, product planner, inventory planner, small business manager, logistics supervisor, quality support representative, ecommerce manager, operations research analyst, risk consultant, cost analyst, or inventory coordinator.

Undergraduate Degrees: General Info

An undergraduate degree is an academic degree that is awarded to students who complete a higher learning program at a college or university. In the United States, the most common type of undergraduate degree is a baccalaureate or bachelor's degree. However, undergraduate students can also obtain a lesser degree, which is known as an associate's degree. The amount of time it takes to earn an undergraduate degree depends on the program and the school, but most students can obtain a bachelor's in three to four years and an associate's degree in one to two years.

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Business Operations Management Schools near San Bernardino, CA