Cardiovascular Tech. in 77053 |

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Degree Profile: Cardiovascular Technology

Many cardiovascular technology careers require post-secondary education, often available at a community college or vocational school. Some professionals may be trained on the job, but this is uncommon. Most graduates of these programs earn an Associate of Science degree in Cardiovascular Technology. Students can expect courses in general science and mathematics as part of the program. Additional coursework will focus on preparing the student for their work as a cardiovascular technician. Students will study professional hygiene and safety, cardiology, vascular medicine, pharmacology, blood analysis, ultrasounds and electrocardiography and pulmonary medicine. Students will also work in a laboratory setting mastering the use of industry standard equipment, tools and computer software programs.

Cardiovascular Technology Career Info

Students with a degree or certificate in the cardiovascular technology field of study may be qualified to work in the following career fields: cardiopulmonary rehab technician, echocardiology, eeg technician, cardio diagnostic technician, cardio science, ekg technician, and cardiopulmonary perfusionist.

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Cardiovascular Tech. Schools near Houston, TX