Ophthalmic Laboratory Technician in 90001 | Degree-Finder.com

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Degrees for Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians

Ophthalmic laboratory technicians are generally trained in an associate's or bachelor's degree program, although some professionals choose to complete a career training program and learn on the job. In these degree programs, students will study the theories behind modern optics, including mathematics and physics. They will also learn practical career skills, including lens and frame construction, contact lens technologies, tinting and prescriptions, operation of common fabrication hardware, technical writing, ophthamology terminology and other subjects. Graduates will be prepared to pursue careers in lenscrafting laboratories, frame manufacturing, retail eyewear locations, hospitals, private clinics and other locations where glasses and contact lenses are made, serviced and sold.

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Ophthalmic Laboratory Technician Schools near Firestone Park, CA