Contract Management Bachelor's Degrees Near King of Prussia, PA
Please select from the Purchases, Acquisitions, and Contracts Schools near Academy Life, PA below to request complimentary information.
Contract Management and Acquisitions Management Degrees: General Info
Companies use contracts to make purchases and acquisitions, finalize sales, hire employees and perform many other types of business. Professionals who specialize in contracts, purchases and acquisitions management are trained in law, public policy, communications, negotiating, psychology and general business skills. Most contract professionals hold at least a bachelor's degree in business or management. A master's degree, like an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree, is preferable and may lead to additional career opportunities. Many contracts professionals also earn a law degree, known as a Juris Doctorate, or JD, to help them fully understand the legal ramifications of contracts, purchases and acquisitions.
Bachelor Degrees: General Info
If you are looking towards a serious career, whether it be in psychology or business management,a bachelor's degree is a must. It provides four years of training in your chosen field teaching you the needed skills to advance in the work force. Most bachelor degree programs cover basics such as English, literature and math along with plenty of degree-specific classes. Associate's degree credits can be applied towards a bachelor's degree although when transferring from one school to another not all credits will be accepted. A bachelor's degree is also a prerequisite for any graduate program students wish to undertake.
Selected Search Criteria:
- Business Administration
- --> Business Operations Management
- --> Purchases, Acquisitions, and Contracts
- Degree Type: Undergrad
- State: PA
- Zip Code: 19487
- Radius: 100 miles
Your Search Returned 10 Popular Schools:
Purdue Global
Areas of study you may find at Purdue Global include:
Bachelors- Purchasing
- Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management
- BS in Organizational Management - Decision Management
- BS in Organizational Management - Construction Management
- BS in Organizational Management - Hospitality Sustainability
- Business Administration
Grand Canyon University
Areas of study you may find at Grand Canyon University include:
Bachelors- Business Administration
- Entrepreneurial Studies
- Management
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Business Analytics
- B.S. in Business Analytics
- B.S. in Applied Entrepreneurship
UMass Global
Areas of study you may find at UMass Global include:
Bachelors- BA in Organizational Leadership
- BA in Organizational Leadership (Org Administration)
- BA in Organizational Leadership (Supply Chain Systems)
- BA in Applied Studies
- BA in Applied Studies (Applied Communications)
- BA in Applied Studies (Applied Humanities)
Colorado Christian University
Areas of study you may find at Colorado Christian University include:
Bachelors- Logistics and Supply Chain Management, B.S.
- Business, B.A. - Entrepreneurship
- Business Administration, B.S.
- Business, B.A. - International Business
Keiser University
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Areas of study you may find at Keiser University include:
Bachelors- Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration with a concentration in Transportation and Logistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Analytics
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a concentration in Esports Management
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (Accelerated Track to MBA)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
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I prefer to study from home
Saint Leo University
Areas of study you may find at Saint Leo University include:
Bachelors- BA: Business Administration - Project Management
- BA: Business Administration - Management
- BA: Business Administration - Logistics
- BA: Business Administration - Marketing
Pacific Oaks College
Areas of study you may find at Pacific Oaks College include:
Bachelors- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Central Michigan University
Areas of study you may find at Central Michigan University include:
Business Administration- Accounting
- Business Operations Management
- Distribution, Logistics, and Materials Mgmt.
- Operation Mgmt.
- Purchases, Acquisitions, and Contracts
- Risk Management and Actuarial Sciences
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgmt.
- Finance
- Hospitality Mgmt.
- Human Resources Mgmt.
- Information System Mgmt.
- International Business Mgmt.
- Managerial Economics
- Marketing
- Sales, Merchandising, and Retail
- Specialized Sales and Marketing
Degree Levels:
Graduate- Doctorate
- Masters
- Post-Bachelor Degree Certificate
- Bachelors
Quinnipiac University
Quinnipiac University
Areas of study you may find at Quinnipiac University include:
Business Administration- Accounting
- Business Operations Management
- Purchases, Acquisitions, and Contracts
- Finance
- Human Resources Mgmt.
- International Business Mgmt.
- Marketing
- Sales, Merchandising, and Retail
Degree Levels:
Courses- Coursework
- Diploma Programs
- Doctorate
- Masters
- Bachelors
Northwest Florida State College
Northwest Florida State College
Areas of study you may find at Northwest Florida State College include:
Business Administration- Accounting
- Business Administrative Services
- Business Operations Management
- Customer Service Mgmt.
- Office Mgmt.
- Operation Mgmt.
- Purchases, Acquisitions, and Contracts
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgmt.
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
- Bachelors