Patient Care Technician or Nurse Assistant Bachelors Online |

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Duties of Nursing Assistants and Nursing Aides

Nursing assistants and aides are not able to perform procedures, treat patients independently or perform any similar tasks. Despite this, their duties are very important. They are required to clean patients prior to treatment, ensure that nursing stations are adequately stocked with supplies, tools and equipment, occasionally assist doctors and nurses during procedures, file paperwork, transport specimens to laboratories and much more. They have the opportunity to see firsthand, how the health care system operates and treats patients. This experience can be more valuable than any salary and can help prepare students for future careers in nursing, laboratory science and even medical school! Anyone who is interested in an advanced health care career should consider becoming a nursing assistant and aide, if only for the opportunities and experience it affords.

Bachelor Degrees: General Info

If you are looking towards a serious career, whether it be in psychology or business management,a bachelor's degree is a must. It provides four years of training in your chosen field teaching you the needed skills to advance in the work force. Most bachelor degree programs cover basics such as English, literature and math along with plenty of degree-specific classes. Associate's degree credits can be applied towards a bachelor's degree although when transferring from one school to another not all credits will be accepted. A bachelor's degree is also a prerequisite for any graduate program students wish to undertake.

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Online Patient Care Technician or Nurse Assistant Schools