Networking and Telecomm. Graduate in 60477 |

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Computer Networking and Telecommunications Degrees: Overview

Computer networking and telecommunications is one of the most important and fastest-growing fields of computer science. With the Internet assuming an ever-increasing place of importance in business and society, sophisticated networks of computers that can communicate with one another are now a business necessity. With such networks, people who are separated by great distances can still work together. Computer networking and telecommunications professionals develop, install, maintain, troubleshoot and service computer networks. They must have a thorough understanding of network technology as well as of basic computer science and telecommunications.

Networking and Telecommunications Professions

Students with a degree or certificate in the networking and telecommunications field of study may be qualified to enter the following career fields: network administration hardware, network administrator, network design, Cisco network engineer, lan engineer, cyber-conferencing, data communications analyst, or network-on-chip engineer.

Graduate Degrees: General Information

A graduate degree is an advanced academic degree awarded by universities and graduate schools. The most common graduate degrees are master's degrees and doctoral degrees. A master's degree program typically takes one to two years to complete and serves as preparation for employment of doctoral studies. A doctoral degree program, which is the highest level of graduate study, can take up to five years to complete.

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Networking and Telecomm. Schools near Orland Hills, IL