Physical Therapy Associate Program Near Manchester, NH
Please select from the Physical Therapy and Rehab Schools near Manchester, NH below to request complimentary information.
Careers in Rehab and Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation and physical therapists help patients to recover physical skills lost in accidents, illnesses or other trauma. They develop a rehab program that is comprised of a variety of exercises intended to stimulate and promote growth in damaged muscle groups. Physical therapy is a challenging field, as many patients are in need of more than just an exercise regimen. Victims of trauma and other illnesses often require mental and emotional therapy in addition to physical therapy. While rehab specialists are not solely responsible for their clients' state of mind, they do play an important role in this aspect of a patient's recovery. Most physical therapists hold at least a master's degree in Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine or a similar field.
Associate Degree Programs: General Info
Associate programs are two year degree programs devoted to a particular area of learning. Associate programs are often pursued by those wishing to enter into a certain career field but who do want to take the four years needed for a bachelor's degree. For example, those interested in law but not wanting to enroll in a graduate program to become a lawyer can earn an associate's degree. They then can become paralegals, legal assistants or office managers. An associate's degree can be earned by those who don't yet know what they want to do and often covers general studies which can transfer into a higher degree later.
Selected Search Criteria:
- Medical and Health
- --> Rehabilitation, Occupational and Physical Therapy
- --> Physical Therapy and Rehab
- Degree Type: Undergrad
- State: NH
- Zip Code: 03101
- Radius: 100 miles
Your Search Returned 10 Popular Schools:
Purdue Global
Areas of study you may find at Purdue Global include:
Associates- Associate of Science in Health Science
- Associate of Science in Health SciencePreprofessional
Please choose the city closest to you:
Southern Adventist University
Southern Adventist University
Areas of study you may find at Southern Adventist University include:
Medical and Health- Dental
- Dietetics and Nutrition
- Health Administrative Professions
- Laboratory Science and Allied Professions
- Language Disorders Services
- Physical Education and Fitness
- Public Health and Public Safety
- Rehabilitation, Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy and Rehab
- Physical Therapy and Rehab
Degree Levels:
Courses- Coursework
- Masters
- Associates
- Bachelors
Snow College
Snow College
Areas of study you may find at Snow College include:
Medical and Health- Dental
- Dietetics and Nutrition
- Health Administrative Professions
- Health Professions Preparatory
- Medical Assistant
- Public Health and Public Safety
- Rehabilitation, Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy and Rehab
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
Oklahoma City Community College
Oklahoma City Community College
Areas of study you may find at Oklahoma City Community College include:
Medical and Health- Health Administrative Professions
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Response, Diagnosis, and Treatment Professions
- Physical Education and Fitness
- Rehabilitation, Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy and Rehab
- Physical Therapy and Rehab
- Prosthetics and Orthotics
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Areas of study you may find at Northwest Mississippi Community College include:
Medical and Health- Dental
- Health Administrative Professions
- Health Professions Preparatory
- Laboratory Science and Allied Professions
- Language Disorders Services
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Response, Diagnosis, and Treatment Professions
- Physical Education and Fitness
- Rehabilitation, Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy and Rehab
- Physical Therapy and Rehab
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
North Idaho College
North Idaho College
Areas of study you may find at North Idaho College include:
Medical and Health- Health Administrative Professions
- Health Professions Preparatory
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Response, Diagnosis, and Treatment Professions
- Rehabilitation, Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy and Rehab
- Social and Mental Health Services
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
Hinds Community College
Hinds Community College
Areas of study you may find at Hinds Community College include:
Medical and Health- Dental
- Health Administrative Professions
- Health Professions Preparatory
- Laboratory Science and Allied Professions
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Response, Diagnosis, and Treatment Professions
- Rehabilitation, Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy and Rehab
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
Stanford University
Areas of study you may find at Stanford University include:
Medical and Health- Health Administrative Professions
- Medical Informatics and Illust
- Medical Residency
Degree Levels:
Graduate- Doctorate
- First-Professional Degree
- Masters
- Bachelors
West Kentucky Community and Technical College
West Kentucky Community and Technical College
Areas of study you may find at West Kentucky Community and Technical College include:
Medical and Health- Dental
- Health Administrative Professions
- Laboratory Science and Allied Professions
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Response, Diagnosis, and Treatment Professions
- Public Health and Public Safety
- Rehabilitation, Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy and Rehab
Degree Levels:
Courses- Diploma Programs
- Associates
Harvard University
Areas of study you may find at Harvard University include:
Medical and Health- Dental
- Health Professions Preparatory
- Medical Residency
- Public Health and Public Safety
Degree Levels:
Graduate- Doctorate
- First-Professional Degree
- Masters
- Post-Bachelor Degree Certificate
- Associates
- Bachelors
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