Clinical Assisting Graduate in 80840 |

Please select from the Clinical Assisting Schools near United States Air Force Acad, CO below to request complimentary information.

Medical and Clinical Assisting Careers: General Info

Medical and clinical assisting professionals perform some of the most essential, and often most thankless, jobs in the health care industry. Clinical and medical assisting professionals clean patients, stock shelves, enter data, answer phones and perform dozens of other important tasks. These positions, which often pay between $10-$12 per hour, are excellent opportunities to gain professional health care experience. Many hospital administrators, physicians, nurses, medical technicians and other health care professionals begin their careers as thankless clinical assistants. If you think a career in health care may be for you, then consider testing the waters as a medical or clinical assistant.

Graduate Degrees: General Information

A graduate degree is an advanced academic degree awarded by universities and graduate schools. The most common graduate degrees are master's degrees and doctoral degrees. A master's degree program typically takes one to two years to complete and serves as preparation for employment of doctoral studies. A doctoral degree program, which is the highest level of graduate study, can take up to five years to complete.

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Clinical Assisting Schools near United States Air Force Acad, CO